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They're both pink, I guess. |
As I hit the middle point of this series, the hiatus, it's probably useful to talk about my expectations. I had fond memories of the first three movies, and somewhat less positive recollections of Conquest and Battle, and while I had liked the TV series as a kid, I suspected that it wouldn't have aged well. But I was going to forge through, because I liked the recent movies a lot. In short, I expected the shape of this project to be three fun movies at the start with two really good ones, three fun movies at the end with two really good ones, and a big chunk of material of steadily declining quality in the middle that I was going to have to work hard to watch.
And of course it didn't quite work out that way. Conquest turned out to be much stranger and much more interesting, even in its profound flaws, than I had imagined. Battle had its pleasures. The TV series is, I admit, my least favourite version of Planet of the Apes so far, but I suspect that this is because an entire TV series is always going to be a mixed bag. It's definitely got its good bits, and even entire good episodes, and next time I do an Ape marathon, “The Cure” and maybe “The Trap” or “The Interrogation” are getting in the playlist.
But a mid-70s TV cartoon series? That’s the absolute pits, rights? American TV animation of the 70s and 80s was quite bad, generally, with, admittedly, a few little shining gems of creativity that became fewer and fewer as the period progressed until you hit the Toy Advert Event Horizon.
And I'm talking about stuff like He-Man. I have always found the nostalgia for He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983-1985) in particular utterly baffling: it's everything that is most terrible about American animation for kids. It has no redeeming features. It is the classic exemplar of that profound lack of respect for children and their parents alike, the contempt and laziness at the root of the idea that kids will watch any old shit, and you can get away with it with the mums and dads if you shoehorn in a moral at the end, and they'd buy your toys too. I mean, look, I don't think it's worth fighting over a thirty-five year old children's cartoon, but if I did, He-Man would be the hill I'd end up dying on.
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Seriously, screw this guy. |
Well, it turns out that you rip it all up and start from scratch. Because on most of those grounds, I was of course profoundly wrong. It turns out that Return to the Planet of the Apes is really tremendous fun.
Look. I admit that I struggled with the TV series. It took me eight sittings to get to the end of the ten and a half hours of episodes, and there was more than one occasion where I picked up the box set, and dithered, and readers of this blog will see that I kept putting it down and watching something easier instead, like Calvaire, or The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. It's easy to write about something good, it's easier to write about something terrible, and it's really easy to write about something weird, but man is it hard to write about something that's a bit, you know, average. These are not all of the reasons why it took me three and a half months to write a fairly equivocal response to the TV series, but they were certainly part of it.
On the other hand, I binged the whole of Return to the Planet of the Apes, all 318 minutes of it, in two sittings, either side of my holiday. The whole series was just a big goofy grin, all the way through.
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Ape news. Ape. News. What was my life before this show? |
Return isn't afraid to muck about with the premise of the Planet of the Apes series. For the first time, we get a pure reboot, that doesn't easily slot into the show’s mythology. Characters return, but in different ways, in a world that is very different.
So we meet Dr. Zaius, and Cornelius and Zira, but we also get Urko. And Brent. And Nova. And the mutants. Already we can see they're mixing it up a bit: Urko is a character from a different strand of the story to the others, and this isn't the end of it. Brent turns out to be from the 22nd century. Zaius is sympathetic, and a genuinely close friend of Cornelius and Zira. The mutants are very different. And Urko... Urko wears orange.
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Gorilla or satsuma amirite |
The astronauts wander through the desert. And then the ground opens up and swallow Judy, and closes around her. Bill and Jeff, dazed, press on and come into contact with the humanoids, among them Nova (Nevins again) who can say a few words and is wearing the dog tags of Ronald Brent, an astronaut they haven't heard of. Then the ape mechanised infantry – trucks, jeeps and armoured cars – rock up. Bill is captured; Jeff and Nova escape. Where is Judy? What's going to happen to Bill? Will the astronauts be reunited?
To be continued!
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What do you call a gorilla with an artillery piece etc. |
They couldn't keep this up, surely. But no, nothing is abandoned. As new stuff comes in – wild, nutty, fun stuff – this too becomes part of a continuing storyline. Bill meets Cornelius and Zira, they help him escape, Urko gets wind of something going on, pursuit ensues, but episode two ends on a cliffhanger too.
It's a couple of episodes until (in “The Unearthly Prophecy”) we find out what happened to Judy: she's been taken by the psychic Underdwellers (the mutants) and placed into a weird trance. They have this ancient statue of her with USA on the pedestal, and they think she's called “Usa” (as in, “Oosah”) and they're worshipping her as a god, and Bill and Jeff try to get her back and they don't, not for another four episodes, and in the process of finding her it's only now they find out they're on Earth via the New York subway.
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I mean, it's an understandable mistake. |
In the end, Judy doesn't get rescued, so much as let go, and the Underdwellers become sympathetic allies to our heroes. Meanwhile, Cornelius and Zira are the only apes in Ape City who even know who Bill, Jeff and Judy reallt are.
The Apes on this version of the planet have TV and radio, internal combustion engines, popular music and printing. We meet monsters: a giant spider lurking in the sewers of Ape City (“Tunnel of Fear”). Sea monsters inhabit the lake (“Lagoon of Peril”). And then there’s the ape-eating pterodactyl thing that appears in a couple of episodes. Silly gags abound: art thieves steal the Collected Works of William Apespeare and the Ape-a Lisa; an ape farmer in a hat drives a truck, listening on the radio to an ape parody of bluegrass classic “Goin’ Ape Over You” (“If I thought that you enjoyed/I'd stop trying to avoid/I’m goin’ humanoid over you”).
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He's tapping his foot and everything. |
And all this hangs together! It shouldn't! It's completely for kids, it's got basic, declarative dialogue, it's got terrible animation (but often lovely background painting). But it sticks to its own rules. Events have consequences, and things are not left unaddressed. Urko’s power grab founders, and he gets disciplined for it in the next episode, and embarks on an increasingly desperate series of plans to start a war and take over (it comes to a head in “Invasion of the Underdwellers”) . Bill, Jeff and Judy lead the humanoids to a valley where they set up a pueblo settlement. When Bill and Cornelius deposit the book with the mountain apes, I didn't expect them to decide in “Battle of the Titans” that it was time for ape society to learn the truth and go back for it, and I didn't expect them to get chased by the insane pterodactyl thing Judy had defeated a few episodes earlier. I mean I completely didn't expect the mountain apes to thaw out King Kong to fight it either, but holy cow was it fun to watch.
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This is a picture of a gorilla in a sou'wester, and if you don't recognise how awesome that is, you're dead to me. |
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There is nothing about this image that isn't brilliant. |
And when Bill and Cornelius get the book back and plan to unveil it and tell ape society the truth, you know that this has consequences and you know that when they do it, the game is going to change again, that it's going to be huge, and they're completely going to honour it – except that this is the last episode they made and you'll never find out.
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Consider: someone actually consciously wrote the line “That's no earthquake! That's a howitzer!” |
I think a lot of the genius of Return to the Planet of the Apes is accidental, the product of no one overseeing the property. No one really cared beyond this picture I have in my head of someone at Fox ringing up Friz Freleng and saying “Oh hey Friz, can you get your studio to make me a Planet of the Apes cartoon show? You can? Cool, thanks, off you go,” and letting DFE get on with it (which, truly, seems to be how much of the franchise progressed in its first incarnation anyway). The show is called Return to the Planet of the Apes, and I think it's simply called that because they had to call it “(Noun) (preposition) the Planet of the Apes” – that's an obligation by now – and this was as good a title as any. It doesn't turn out to be the return you expect, but it is nonetheless a return because no one is watching this who doesn't know the premise of Planet of the Apes, but it's also a return to first principles, a do-over, and allows for the ape technology that existed in Boulle’s novel and the earliest drafts of the movie to be present, without budgetary constraints.
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The best images are totally in the title sequence. |
I wonder if I'm so positive about this wonky, creaky old TV animation because it confounded my expectations, expectations that were so very, very low; certainly, it's still not exactly what you'd call great TV. But it's better TV than it has any business being. Sadly, though, it’s still just a Saturday morning cartoon that didn’t even make a full season before they pulled the plug. The comic books would carry on for another couple of years, but it looks like this is finally it for the Planet of the Apes.
And even when it was decided that it wasn’t it for the Planet of the Apes… it still looked like it was, as we’ll see.
Ape Rankings
1. Planet of the Apes (1968)
2. Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
3. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
4. Return to the Planet of the Apes (1975)
5. Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
6. Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
7. Planet of the Apes: the TV Series (1974)